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The Job Hunt Journey: Strategies for New Grads

The Job Hunt Journey: Strategies for New Grads

Welcome to “The Job Hunt Journey: Strategies for New Grads” on The Zista Podcast, featuring Vikrant Kapur of Technicolor, who brings over two decades of HR expertise.

This episode zeroes in on essential skills necessary for professional success, strategic approaches to enhance your job applications, and effective networking tactics to expand your career horizons.

Join us as Vikrant provides a wealth of advice for students and graduates, translating academic achievements into tangible job market success.

Tune in for an enlightening conversation that delivers practical insights and actionable strategies to navigate the complexities of starting your career.

Key Takeaways 

  • It’s essential to comprehend the expectations of supervisors and peers and how to contribute effectively to a team, skills often not covered in academic settings.
  • Focus on making progress rather than achieving perfection. Real-world success often involves iterative processes and learning from setbacks.
  • Embrace flexible and innovative approaches to problem-solving that allow skipping conventional steps while still acknowledging necessary processes.
  • Success in the workplace involves a combination of academic knowledge and practical, real-world skills.
  • Engage in internships to convert academic knowledge into practical experience, which is highly valued in the job market.
  • Adopt a proactive approach to learning that goes beyond the traditional curriculum, including taking additional courses and participating in experiential programs.
  • Embrace opportunities to experiment and learn from failures, which are integral to developing a robust professional profile.
  • Use platforms like LinkedIn to connect with professionals, ask questions, seek advice, and request internships, leveraging the openness of many organizations to support eager students.
  • Combat the hesitation or fear of reaching out to professionals; initiating conversations is crucial and rejection is merely a part of the learning process.
  • Involve yourself broadly in industry-related activities, including problem-solving groups, project collaborations, and discussions, to enhance visibility and connectivity in your field.
  • Ensure that your preparation for the interview is thorough as it lays the foundation for a successful interview.
Podcast Host: Amit Ahuja, Associate Director, Communication & Digital, Zista Education
Podcast Guest: Vikrant Kapur, Vice President HR, APAC at Technicolor.
Video & Audio Editing: Dhanish Shah, Communications Associate, Zista Education
Podcast Manager: Russel Aldridge, Sr. Manager, Creative & Digital, Zista Education
Transcript & Captions: Tanya Kakka, Freelance Copywriter